
Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve


I was born in Innsbruck, have an adult son and am living in the USA and Austria. I have a

background in Political Science, Women’s Studies and Romanistics (Italian) from the

University of Innsbruck and hold a PhD in Political Science from there.


Since 2018 I am associated with the University of Central Florida; before that I held a position at the

University of New Orleans and long term appointments at research institutions in Austria.


As (co)author and editor I published several books. Among those are: Familienpolitik – nationale und internationale Perspektiven (Family Policies – National and International Perspectives) (2009), Väter im Abseits (Fathers Aside) (2007), and Mutterschaft im Patriarchat (Motherhood in Patriarchy) (2004, 2014). Recently I released the new book The End of the Nuclear Family. Capitalism, Love and the State (in German 2018, second edition) which will soon be available in English and Italian. Furthermore I have published numerous articles, give lectures in Europe and North America and am involved in numerous international networks. I was also cofounder of the online Journal Boomerang. Journal of Critique on Patriarchy.


My scientific focus is: Politics and Reproduction, Motherhood, Fatherhood, Family and Population Policies, European Welfare State, Gender and Political

Theory, Theory on Civilization and Women in Islam.


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